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1099 Forms
General Surface/Leasing
Joint Interest Billing
My Revenue Payments
Owner Account Information
Ownership Changes
Portal Technical Issue
Unclaimed Property
I have a question about my 1099.
I need a copy of my 1099.
I have a question relating to my surface land rights.
I would like for BPX to lease my property.
I have a question regarding my joint interest billing invoice.
I have another question related to my partner revenue or joint interest billing.
I need to update my partner account information.
I have a question regarding my disbursement decimal.
I have a question regarding the amount of my revenue payment.
I have a question regarding the deductions taken in my revenue payment.
I have another question related to my revenue payment.
I have not received my revenue payment.
I need a copy of my check detail.
I need BPX to stop and reissue a check to me.
I would like to change the frequency of my payments regardless of the amount.
I have a question that is not included in the above categories.
I have a question regarding the calculation of my ownership decimal.
I have another question related to my account information.
I need to add a power of attorney or agent to my account.
I need to change the legal name on my account.
I need to update my account with a tax ID or social security number.
I need to update the trustee's name for the trust account.
I have acquired an ownership interest.
I have another question regarding changes in ownership.
I have transferred/sold my ownership interest.
I need a copy of my Division Order.
The owner is deceased and I need to transfer the interest to the heirs/beneficiaries.
I have an issue when trying to change my address.
I have an issue when trying to register or sign-in to the Portal.
I have an issue when trying to signup or change my direct deposit.
I have a question regarding unclaimed funds reported to the state.
I received a due diligence letter regarding unclaimed royalties.
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